Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Went to the funeral of KY's father. On the way Vivian was discussing with her classmates for a gathering - it had been 10 years after their graduation.

"Our class has not met since houseman !" She sighed.

A flash back appeared: the first gathering of my university classmate was towards the end of our houseman - it was the funeral of Rita.

I did not know Rita very well. She was a cheerful girl but, in a class of 120, we probably had no more than 10 seconds of conversation in that 6 years. All I heard was she broke up with her boyfriend, had some reactive depression, and jump out of the window - just outside the ward that she was working at.

It was all 16 years ago. If there were reincarnation, she might now be in her (or his ?) secondary school, studying for public examination, and applying for university. Would she choose medicine again ?

Now I realize why mengposhang (孟婆湯) is the holy grail of all sorrow.

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