Saturday, January 26, 2008


Being brought up and educated in a grass root district, my first encounter of John Lennon's Imagine was in the early 1990's, when the Hong Kong Telecom - alas, PCCW, the famous stock #8 nowadays - used it as the theme song in its TV advertisement.

I said to myself: this is, no doubt, the song of the (last) millennium; and I still think so.

One world, and everyone live on today - what a beautiful dream. The US government (or CIA ?) was right: If the communist Russia did use it as their national song, the States - and Europe - would have been quickly conquered. It was fortunate for the civilized world that Stalin and his successors did not have the wisdom to make such a drastic move. Otherwise the history textbook of our children would be describing Russian tank entering not only Prague but also Washington, and the statue of Socrates in addition to Confucius (孔夫子) being pulled down - that's really catastrophe.

Of course you may argue if the communist leader did have the wisdom - and courage - to advertise by Imagine, he could well have been the real Moses of all men and lead us through the red sea of cold war and terrorism. I am - as a rule - skeptical with anyone good at marketing.

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