Thursday, January 31, 2008


My bedtime reading at the moment is a pictorial book called "German Millennium".

It is essentially a collection of paintings and photos that outline the history of German in the past 1000 years - and I have just started with the World War I. Koch, Plank, Mozart, Beethoven, Kant, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche; this people had such a huge number of genius in science, music, and philosophy. No wonder some of them came to the belief that they should rule the world.

Those with some idea of Europe would remember very well the history of German as a united country is rather short. When a nation is divided, people become cohesive and they work for the same goal - see also the Jews. When a kingdom has been united for 2000 years since the First Emperor, genius become bureaucrats and start having plots against each other.

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