Monday, April 28, 2008


Listen to an old CD in my office - just pick by random. It is Bach's Brandenburg Concertos.

It sounds familiar, and I suddenly realise it was a gift from F.

I still see F every now and then, but certainly our paths are getting away from each other. The concerto, as F told me, was her favorite background music during study, and this box of glaring object was given to me at the height of my preparation for the membership examination. Alas, it has been 15 years ago.

I learn a lot from F. If not for her recommendation, I would not have read The Dream of The Red Chamber (紅樓夢) of Cao Xueqin (曹雪芹), or Tierra (人間昆蟲記) of Osamu Tezuka (手塚冶蟲). And whenever I think of her, my memory inevitably falls back to a poem of Li Shangyin (李商隱): 夜雨寄北.

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