Saturday, April 26, 2008


There is a tendency that our residents do the morning round at early hours. For obvious reasons that's not very much welcome by nurses (and probably patients). Some of our residents, on the other hand, are not too happy either when the department puts it on paper that morning round before 7 AM is not allowed.

How early is early ? People like me certainly remember when our previous professor of surgery was working in the States, he did his round at 6 AM if not earlier - and he was thoroughly proud of it. For trainees or house officers eager to have more experience, getting up early is a valid strategy.

On the other hand, I do remember a vivid story of Ronald Reagan - when he first became the governor of California. One day, when he was about to off work at 4:45 PM, he met one of his subordinates - who was hurrying to a meeting.

"I need to stay late. The meeting is very important, and we have lots of urgent matters to take care of." The official explained, with a hue of dissatisfaction to his boss.

"I think both of us should go home early rather," the later-to-be president was unmoved, "If I have to work for 16 hours a day to be a state governor, how could I take up a higher post in the future ?"

PS. CH Tung ? Who ?

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