Wednesday, April 2, 2008


(This blog was written on 20 March 2008. I deliberately deferred the post to 2 April.)

Appreciating the examiner list of our third year medical OSCE. It is hard work to do a 4-hour clinical examination, and I find most participants young and enthusiastic. You know what, amongst the 7 chair professors within the department, the name of only one appears on the list.

Ironically we hold the department board meeting earlier today. Teaching is a big thing. "We should do this" and "we should do that". I suddenly understand why Gongsun Long (公孫龍) said a white horse is not a horse (白馬非馬) - because "I" am not one of the "we" either.

PS. I cannot recollect who told me this very fact: you do not judge people by what they say, but by what they actually do.


KM Chow said...

"Pay less attention to what men say. Just watch what they do."

This comes from the Dale Carnegie.

EW said...

all i can say is to wish you a chair soon - so you wont have to share this mundane task with a 1st year BPTs.

did i hear a pandora box opened?