Tuesday, June 30, 2009


While we were watching the TV news about the death of Michael Jackson, Vivian and I had a brief debate on the actual sales of Thriller, and which of his songs we loved best.

On the latter topic, I would pick Billie Jean.

But it was Beat it that I remember best. It was fortunate that the collection was released in 1980s, when we had very little scrutiny on the media, and its MTV could be shown hundreds of time on the television. If it were today, I'm sure some concerned parents would fire a complaint, and our tender loving nanny officials would ban the song - because it advocates fighting.

But no. The lyric does not support violence. Maybe you are not aware of how Americans use the term; "Beat it" has, in fact, an entirely opposite meaning.

Here is the definition I copied from an on-line dictionary:

Beat it (informal): to depart; go away.

As Sherlock Holmes said: If you shift your own point of view a little, you may find it pointing ... to something entirely different.

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