Friday, January 15, 2010



"Maybe I could explain," the cabinet secretary interrupted.

The other two starred at the seasoned government servant, who continued in a plain official voice, "We are doing the regular validation exercise of our satellite and radar system - this is part of the quality assurance program."

"Yes ... ?" The General looked confused.

"In short, we invited an external group to audit our performance, and they check to make sure the alarms and alerts put up by our Missile Detection System are accurate."

"But ... that's a good thing. I do not see how the audit would affect us." The senior soldier remained at a loss.

"Sir, they audit the accuracy and nothing else. When we found a missile, our men would therefore double check - actually quadruple check - and make sure it is true before releasing the information." The young sentry seemed to know the rule of the game well.

"God, how could an alarm be useful if it is accurate but dead late !?" The old military specialist found himself becoming a tenor.

"Yes, sir, but, I'm afraid we've used two-and-a-half minutes on arguing this point ..." his junior hesitated.

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