Thursday, January 14, 2010


(Our little story turns to a new chapter.)

While the two military specialists were discussing on their policy on the new armor, there was a knock on the door.

A young sentry was standing there.

"Em ... excuse me," the junior soldier was slow to pick a correct word, "Sir, our radar detects nuclear missiles coming from the other side of the Pacific ..."

"What ... ?" The General jumped up. But, in no time he calmed down, "Hold on. We shouldn't panic. It takes no less than a couple of hours before those deadly bombs arrive. We have plenty of time to plan our response."

"Sir ..." the man at the door seemed shivering, "The bombs are going to hit us in three minutes..."

"How could that be ? Isn't our satellite able to detect missiles across the Pacific as soon as they set off !?" The senior soldier roared.

(To be continued ...)

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