Sunday, January 31, 2010


You may wonder why should our government spend money to support building a park (or holding a meeting, or whatever) that puts quite some emphasis on Roman Catholics. Politics should be independent from religion and a government should always be neutral on religious matters.

No, it should not - if there is only one park.

But, if our government does not last merely for a year or two, being neutral should mean that it supports a theme park by Christians this time, a conference of Muslim next month, a movie of Buddhism after next, and so forth. Fairness means that each small group of people (or, actually, each individual) would have an equal chance of enjoying certain benefit - not that if not everyone could enjoy a benefit at the same time, no one should have the benefit.

Well, even my little daughter knows this basic principle (after watching a cartoon, in which two kids want to play their own favorite game with the other): We take turns.

Go read

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