Tuesday, January 12, 2010


(In a meeting between the Secretary of Defence and the Chief Commander of the Army.)

"You see, Chief Commander, this new armor is gorgeous. I am sure it's the perfect attire to protect our army from all injuries in the battle." The secretary exclaimed.

"But, the problem is, we do not have enough for all soldiers ..." the general hesitated.

"Indeed. Well, can't we just select a few troops to have it ?" The cabinet member suggested.

"Oh, no. You should know it better - there is the Council of Equal Opportunity. Well, just between you and me, there's no particular troop that I specifically prefer." The senior soldier murmured.

"Quite true ... I mean your first point," replied the administrator, "Let me see. Ah ... I have a plan." He found himself sounds like Baldrick of the Blackadder.

"Well ?"

"Let's ask our king and the prime minister to wear the armor and tell the advantage to the others." The senior official could not help smiling.

"Wouldn't that encourage everyone to ask for the armor ?" The simple-minded military specialist was incredulous.

The secretary explained, "That would be if the heads of our country have good enough a reputation. But, you know, at this moment ... what they do would just create suspicion !"

And his smile seemed more wicked than ever.

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