Sunday, May 23, 2010


"It is a failure." I said.

"No, I see it as a success." He retorted.

"That doesn't change the fact. The outcome is abysmal. You failed." I said once again.

"No. We've put up so much effort and many others contributed to the final result. It is a success for everyone who participated." He insisted.

"Did you really shed sufficient sweat and tear on this matter ?" I remarked, trying my best to refrain myself from using the word blood. After all, the matter shouldn't involve violence. And I continued, "You keep asking people to help, but did you treat them as your ally ? Did you make a corresponding contribution ?"

"Anyway, I will not concede that easily. Let's wait for the next time." He said, and his confidence seemed coming back.

I walked away, saying to myself, "Alas, there's a fine line of difference between having perseverance and being obsessive. It is silly to pursue on something beyond your capability, but it is an even worse sin to keep asking for another chance - without treasuring any of them."

PS. As Alan Greenspan once said: If you think you understand what I'm saying, you've definitely mistaken.

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