Thursday, May 6, 2010


I took a half-day leave on a Thursday morning and went to Euterpe's kindergarten to tell a story.

Yes, to a class of pre-nursery children.

(For those who are not yet parents, it is actually very common for kindergartens to invite parents to take turn and tell stories in the class. Kids love seeing their parents in the classroom; the parents would also like to have a glimpse on what's going on in the school.)

Kids of that age do not have very long attention span (but who has ?) and we have to finish with a story in 15 minutes.

The deed was not that difficult. I borrowed a picture story book from the public library, did some rehearsal (just to make sure of the time-keeping), and there I go. In short, I met a class of 10 or 12 lovely kids sitting in a line, and showed them the pictures in the book while going through the story. None of them ran around or cried. They were eager to say what they think, but were absolutely non-disturbing.

On my way back to the hospital, the scene of teaching our first year medical school two weeks ago flashed back in my mind (see

I am sure I give today the best lecture in my past 10 years.

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