Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Many of my friend would have the same experience of being asked to give medical advice on topics entirely outside our own specialty.

(Although having a grandiose personality disorder of knowing everything, I must admit, to say the least, I do not have the necessary detail. As Hercule Poirot always said, it is risky to form a conclusion before having sufficient information.)

Maybe I should show you my reply email.


Dear Sister,

The situation is no good, and I could understand her frustration. My opinion is there is no need to give too much thought to the pros and cons of various forms of treatment. If I were the patient, I would stick to the advice of the single best specialist that I could get. (I am no expert in cancer and would not be in the caliber to give a better advice.)



You may think I am not giving a concrete response.

On that, you are wrong. My very solid advise could be condensed into five words: Do not think, just follow.

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