Saturday, May 15, 2010


Finished with the final MB examination.

It would be the last time we have our man from Pluto with us. Fortunately, things went smoothly under the hands of JW, BK, TL and VM (who took much effort to take care of a delinquent examiner).

I would not elaborate the details of the happening here. Just that towards the end of the week, after finishing with the morning session, I was walking with one of the external examiners back to the main hospital block, and she asked me, "So, you've organized this thing for several years?"

"Alas, I began doing this since 1996 !" I put up an embarrassed smile, and diverted our discussion to another topic.

PS. In 1996, I was still a higher trainee. It should actually be KL organizing the examination (the duty of a newly promoted lecturer), but our later-to-be professor of gastroenterology had to attend an overseas meeting and recommended the malicious nephrology trainee to take up the task.

And the rest is history.

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