Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Many of my friends know that my private clinic is a remarkable place. Although I don't make much money from it, there are a whole lot of interesting cases refer to me for curious reasons.

And I had an impressive new patient most recently.

To cut the long story short, as soon as he came into the consultation room and sat down, before he said anything, and while I was thumb through the referral letter, he showed me a photo of his - taken with Mr. Hu Jintao.

I hiccuped badly.

(For the physiology of hiccup, please refer to http://ccszeto.blogspot.com/2010/05/road.html)


You may ask did I treat that patient differently ?

Of course not - well, yes, I gave him a fair treatment.

Oh, that's not because I did not give face to the leader our country. Just that by a common sense deduction, it seems exceedingly unlikely my patient is really in acquaintance with Mr. Hu.

I should have been less fair if it were a photo with, say, my chairman.

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