Monday, November 15, 2010


My friend TW mentioned to me recently that we can do trading of stocks listed on the New York Stock Exchange by a local bank.

It sounds a good idea. To say the least it provides an alternative option of investment (which is very much needed when the interest rate is hell low). I have an account there for a long time. Naturally I visited their web site and downloaded some of the details.

But, on a second thought, I decided not to sign up.

Maybe I could explain by citing a scene in the Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils (天龍八部), when Jiu Mozhi (鳩摩智) offered an exchange in the archives of martial arts with monks in the Tenryu Temple (天龍寺):


枯榮大師道:“本因,咱們練功習藝,所為何來?”本因沒料到師叔竟會如此詢問,微微一愕,答道:“為的是弘法護國。”枯榮大師道:“外魔來時,若是吾等道淺,難用佛法點化,非得出手降魔不可,該用何種功夫? ”本因道:“若不得已而出手,當用一陽指。 ”枯榮大師部道:“你在一陽指上的修為,已到了第幾品境界? ”本因額頭出汗,答道:“弟子根鈍,又兼未能精進,只修得到第四品。 ”枯榮大師再問:“以你所見,大理段氏的一陽指與少林拈花指、多羅葉指、無相劫指三項指法相較,孰優孰劣? ”本因道:“指法無優劣,功力有高下。 ”枯榮大師道:“不錯。咱們的一陽指若能練到第一品,那便如何?”本因道:“淵深難測,弟子不敢妄說。”枯榮道:“倘若你再活一百歲,能練到第幾品?”本因額上汗水涔涔而下,顫聲道:“弟子不知。”枯榮道:“能修到第一品麼?”本因道:“決計不能。”


JW said...

Not exactly. Please compare the Price/Earning Ratio of Exxon Mobil and my beloved company, CNOOC.

TW said...

The fun of US Stocks are the numerous ETF available : diamond ETF, orange juice ETF, cotton ETF , silver ETF, coffee ETF etc. But I am not interest in US stocks for long term investment too.