Saturday, March 19, 2011


Although I was engaged in a flight of idea and the weekend was not a time to be happy, it was nonetheless Euterpe’s birthday. I took a day off and went to a local theme park with my princess.

The place was recently renovated and now becomes very commercial. I must say I am slightly in favor of the situation 15 or 20 years ago, when the park was having difficulty to keep the book balanced but could do what they believed to be appropriate. Yes, the park is now making money – and a considerable sum too. But, for the exchange of profit, it is giving away its character and personality.

I begin to think of Faust.


In the evening, we had a small family gathering. The menu was humble but entirely enjoyable:
  • 炸鯪魚球
  • 元肚竹絲雞湯
  • 煙燻帶子
  • 富貴雞
  • 麒麟星斑卷
  • 萬壽果牛肋肉
  • 腰果素雞丁
  • 欖菜玉珠
  • 牛油果海鮮炒飯
  • 蛋白杏仁茶
  • 生日蛋糕

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