Monday, April 4, 2011


Just a moment ago, SN, a colleague of mine, helped the baby delivery of a woman - at the taxi stand of my hospital.

Many of us were amazed. When SN posted the news on Facebook, she made a record of having over 100 likes and 80 comments within one day.

In response to all the praise, our specialist in respiratory medicine humbly replied, "I was there and could not declare that's not a medical problem! In fact, I was equally nervous. But I had no choice. Well, with this experience, I suppose I shall do better next time."

Alas, that's what we defined as competence: If there is an urgent demand in the most inconvenient hour and unfavorable circumstance, you could still accomplish the task in need.

Some of us asked why didn't she called the on-call obstetrician.

To that, she said, "No time to call them. I rang up the obstetric ward, but they asked me to call the security while the husband and the taxi driver were screaming!"

And, that's what we defined as professionalism - to act by actual need rather than rigid regulations or hours, a character which distinguishes us from administrators and, unfortunately, many a time including this one, that five-word paramedical professional who-must-not-be-named.

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