Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I had a busy clinic the next morning after I was back from Singapore. In the afternoon, we had the division grand round as usual. PL and CB, the two consultants of my team, were still hot with their experience in Vancouver.

After we finished, PL asked all of us in a curious smile, "Do you know what company X gave me as the souvenir ?"

Of course we had no idea.

"It was a solar energy torch !" Our senior consultant was trying his best not to laugh.

"You mean ... the one we found in From Beijing with Love (國產凌凌漆) ?" We were dumbfounded.

"Yes, the ingenious gadget that was conceived by Stephen Chow (周星馳) ..." PL pursed his lips.

"If there is sunlight, the bulb could light up; if there is no sun, it doesn't work..." One of us try to finish the description for him.

"I must say not as far as that," he continued, "Even if there is sunlight, we need a torch to look into patients' throat. And, it actually has a small battery and could store up energy, so that the bulb could still function for a while when it is dark."

Quite true. I should not laugh too early upon something that appears absurd - it may have a serious meaning after all.

1 comment:

JW said...

But it is really good to put this amusing concept into reality... with real function. Really good marketing!