My favorite Pixar movie is Monster Inc.
The reason is simple – the hidden meaning was obvious.
And, who could miss the message? A country gets its energy and resource from the screaming of the democratic world, and, therefore, tries every possible means to scare the ingenuous free people (that is, the children). On the other hand, their governmental tyrants – if there is such a term – have phobic disorder against human and deliberately infuse a panic idea to their citizens so that they would not try to smell the air of freedom.
Well, since the script was written by a human being rather than a monster, the rule of their universe turns out to be more energy or resource could actually be generated by inducing children laugh – obviously before they realize the child is running an astronomical financial deficit and is struggling whether it is necessary to have something called QE3.
PS. It remains uncertain whether Mr. Waternoose, the owner of Monster Inc., was actually secretly supported by the human world.
Right, you may find this idea absurd. But, true, that’s to the advantage of the human world to have a tyrant who goes to the church once a week – rather than some other extremist who prays more frequently – to rule the monsters.
And, if not, how could this Mr. Waternoose knows so much about the free world?
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