Sunday, March 4, 2012


While talking about emails, I believe many of you would have a similar problem like me.

There are too many email accounts.

For example, at the moment I have a personal one under Google, another from my university, a third from the hospital, and yet one more from my domestic board band service provider. (That’s not very many. I used to have more.)

And, to keep things tidy, I use the Google account as the primary manager, to which all mails from other accounts are directed. For those who are not familiar with computer, there are two ways of doing it:
  1. Set up an order in the other accounts so that they automatically forward all mails to the desired address.
  2. Set up an order in the primary account so that it would regularly look for mails in the other accounts.
For historical reasons I am using the latter method – most people use the former because the turn around time is shorter.

Of course, a better strategy is to neglect most of the mails and do away with the exponential inflation of information. As TS Eliot said:
   Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge?
   Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?

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