Wednesday, March 7, 2012


While I was thinking of managing mailboxes, another related problem is how to keep track of one’s projects.

Well, if you allow, let me play around with words: Most of us have no problem what-so-ever to manage a project. We just work on it and make some notes to put down the plan and progress. In addition, there are no fewer than a dozen of free softwares dedicated for project management.

But, the problem becomes really grave when that very word is in plural – that is, when you have more than one project to take care of. The very nature of human brain is it’s not meant for multi-tasking, and most of us could focus on one thing at a time. Yes, a few gifted persons could split their attention and deal with two or even three matters simultaneously – without becoming (overtly) schizophrenic. Nonetheless, I don’t think you can easily find someone close to Windows 7 or Apple desktop and is able to run six or seven programs at a time.

And, we are all involved in so many projects. (At this moment, I have over sixty.) Even if I use a sophisticated software for their management, there would be close to a hundred pages (or files, depending on which program we are talking about) – some of them are inevitably put aside and soon be forgotten.

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