Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Franz shivered. He felt something was going to happen.

In a lightning speed Mr. Greene went through a handful of slides. The message was simple and clear: some are doing better than the others. Or, as Vilfredo Pareto predicted, 80% of the store’s profit came from 20% of the teams.

The CEO paused for a moment, cleared his throat, and then went on, “Guys, I’m sure the situation is obvious. Women’s fashion and cosmetics are making a good fortune, while toys and electronics aren’t getting anywhere. The problem is: What are we going to do about them? You know, there are two choices.”

Franz gasped. He fancied a good number of people in the room did the same.

“First, we can put more resource and effort to help the teams that are not doing so well…”

An uncomfortable silence filled the air.

“… but this is not the most cost-effective way of using our resources.”

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