A recent hot topic within our circle is the competition for medical students between the two medical schools.
Instead of telling you what I think (which I'm afraid you may be quite sick of), let me show you some posts from Mark Zukerberg's country:
"When I was reading all these news about the new "medic degrees" the two universities offering, I just remembered that I would not know if I wanted to become a doctor when I was 17/18 year-old, let alone a health policy-maker, a clinician-scientist and a medical lawyer. (of course there are people that are very determined about these things)... Why wouldn't you let students decide when they have been exposed to the fields and figured out what they actually like... If they want to, I don't really think it is that hard for a medical student/graduate to pursuit a degree in research/public health/law. And now, they are just trying to divide the cohort into different streams on the first day of medical school without good reasons..."
"I don't understand why admission to medical schools becomes a competition. What are they looking for? Are they looking for high admission scores to boast of in front of parents, or are they looking for people devoted to the medical career? I just want to study medicine. Don't really care who is winning and where I am studying... Is there really a big difference? I doubt it."
考試比較高分的朋友,我們都只是幸運而已,你覺得A和B, 5**和5*差距很多嗎? 未必。為什麼你有A/5**? 只是可能你遇上一個鬆手少少的考官,或者是一個很欣賞你思維的考官,所以你才拿下這個分數。
(這個test 可能很sensitive,但一點也不specific.)
在5**/5*的差距 同 做人的深度差距之間去衡量,我想這才是醫學院要思考的問題。 我們爭取最高成績的學生,只是因為成績是唯一比較客觀的指標,但有能力的人不代表他是最出色的人,有更多的成功要素是沒法衡量的,例如待人接物的態度,處世為人 等等... 醫學院不應只著眼在高分中的最高分那些人,而是想辦法找出有更多其他潛能或特質的學生。這些潛能同特質很可能比考試拿多一個A更重要。"
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