Sunday, November 24, 2013


I bought a tablet recently.

The story goes like this: In the past two years I was using the good old traditional Kindle as my electronic reader (see, and I read most of my stuff with this handy gadget from Jeff Bezos - journal articles, leisure books, and comfort readings. Although it has no touch screen and practically no internet connection capability, the device is robust and durable. Charge it once and the battery is good enough for 3 to 4 weeks.

But, in the past three months or so, I was increasingly aware of the need to have something new. To begin with, it is not very convenient to read PDF in Kindle, and, if you read a journal article as HTML file, you lose many of the figures. More so, the screen is rather dim and difficult to read when there is little light.

I must say my first solution to all these problems was to rely on my cell phone. It has a very user-friendly apps to connect with Kindle, and, since I now put all journal articles to read in my Google drive, I could access them anywhere. The screen is small, but not uncomfortably so.

The problem is its battery is prohibitive - it doesn't last even for a single day use.


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