Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Believe it or not, as a primary one student, Euterpe was recently asked to give a short speech to her class. Well, it is kind of a English project. Each and every one in her class takes turn to prepare a short speech (with their parents, of course) on the topic assigned and then to give the talk in from of their classmates.

The topic of Euterpe is A Present For Mum. For obvious reasons, I wrote the script with her.

Here you go.

I want to give a present to my mum. It is about Christmas and I want to make her happy.

What present should I give?

My mum loves reading but we can borrow from the library.
My mum loves music but playing piano is too difficult for me.
My mum loves flowers but carnation is for Mother's Day.
My mum loves Candy Crush but it is not good for her teeth.
My mum loves travelling but she has to stay for exam with me.
My mum loves sleeping but I cannot send her a good dream.

I would present myself as a good girl to her because the most she loves is me.

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