Monday, March 24, 2014


On a recent occasion, I took a half day off and brought my daughter Euterpe to visit a dentist.

Oh, there's nothing (seriously) wrong with my princess' teeth. As a primary school student, she joins the dental health program organized by our Department of Health, and what she is offered is a yearly dental check up.

The clinic is closed to the Queen Elizabeth Stadium at Wan Chai. Since I've never been there, I picked up my daughter after school, took a minibus right the way - and we arrived an hour before the scheduled appointment.

At the entrance of the clinic, we met Macy - a classmate and good friend of my daughter. She was accompanied by her mother. Their appointment was 30 minutes ahead of ours.

"Let's wait together," Euterpe said. And the two girls joined their hands and sat in the waiting hall.

"We'd got to wait for quite some time. Let's see what's in your school bag and we should start doing some of your homework." I said.

(To be continued.)

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