Wednesday, March 5, 2014


“Madam, what’s up?” I asked.

“Nothing. I just had a quiet evening, and, guess what, I spent it all by watching television!”

I must say that’s news. After Euterpe and Adler were born, our television was used almost exclusively for showing Disney – the World of English package as well as channels 441 and 442 of NOW TV. We have not watched the tri-colour channel for so long a time that I have difficulty to tell Fala Chen from Sharon Chan.

“Alas! What did you watch?” I asked.

“A love story in a bakery. You know, it’s very touching!”

My god. She mean the soap opera that Vivian and I found hopeless just an hour ago!

But, on a second thought, I shall not laugh at my mum’s taste – or the lack of it. She is not a rare species. There are millions of people in this city who have no interest in top class artistic performance or creative drama. All they need is some vulgar music and simple soap opera to cheer them up after a whole day of stressful exertion.

Maybe Sir Run Run did do the right thing.

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