Sunday, September 21, 2014


The room remains silent for a minute or two. At last, K decides to speak again.

"Sir, what do you mean?"

"I mean what I say, in the most literal sense. To begin with, you have to plan and prepare for what you are going to do."

"What does it involve?" K is puzzled.

Professor L does not speak. He opens a drawer of his desk, takes out an arm-breaking folder, and passes it to the young lecturer, with the eyes seem to be saying: See this.

On the cover of the folder K finds the words Five-Year Research Strategic Development imprinted in the Times New Roman 72.

He opens the folder and starts turning the pages - rather carelessly to begin with, but becomes more and more anxious as he goes on. There are endless chapters with titles Survey of competitive landscape, Current flagship research programs, Planned strategic research development, and so forth and so forth.

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