Tuesday, September 30, 2014


I must say I found the subject too serious for a casual discussion and decided to change the topic a little, “There is a fine line of difference between freedom of holding an idea and permission to promulgate that idea.”

“Alas, there may be certain truth in it, but I’m not sure,” L shook his head, “You can argue idea is meant to be spread.”

“What do you mean?”

“If you allow a minority of people, however small a group they are, to hold an idea but not be spread it around, you are essentially giving permission to an endangered species to subsist but not reproduce. You are just killing off the species – or the idea – in a slow and painless manner.”

L had a point, but I remained uneasy, “Does it mean that we should allow minority group to promulgate their belief – however weird or evil that belief is?”

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