Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Although the extra-terrestrials tried very hard to avoid duplication in our curriculum, paradoxically they put up many integrated teaching sessions - so that the same topic is covered by "experts from different areas" in the same morning or afternoon.

(I do not intend to discuss the definition of expert today. Maybe later.)

And therefore we have the pathophysiology of certain condition taught by a chemical pathologist and then a physician an hour later, or the structure of certain part of our body explained by an anatomist and then a surgeon soon afterwards.

In the latter scenario, you may come to the conclusion that there must be two species of Homo sapiens on earth. As we know, the degree of confusion increases exponentially with the number of people to explain the condition.

That's in fact simple psychology of education. A child who is exposed to two different languages simultaneously learn both slower than another child who is taught one language at a time.

As Duan Yu (段譽) tried to learn the Meridian Swords (六脈神劍) in Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils (天龍八部), he was advised by his uncle: 先練一圖,學完再換.

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