Tuesday, August 26, 2008


In a recent meeting, our man from Pluto told us that a few final year students complained about the change in the arrangement of ward attachment this year - they do not have a chance to follow the gastroenterologist.

Some of us reminded him that the change was based on the feedback from students last year: some of them were assigned to gastroenterologist in this hospital and again in another one. Since it is (politically) incorrect to take out the one from the peripheral hospital, we could just do away with our own one.

I suspect our students wish to have it the other way round when they made the proposal. Oh, they do not have a grip with the world.

But we shouldn't blame them. By and large, the decision roots from an obsessive idea hold by many extra-terrestrials that we should have no duplication in our curriculum. The aim was to cover as many things as possible - and that 5 years would be orchestrated in such a highly coordinated manner for every minute detail that each topic is touched on but once.

They have forgotten that we could forget.

After all, we don't read a textbook once and expect we could remember everything (or even 70%) in it, do we ?

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