Saturday, August 23, 2008


After reading my recent blogs, you may begin to believe I am going to vote for the man who sent the five orange pips.

(And not the one with an unbeatable platform - since there's no substance in the platform.)

Yes, in fact I was about to think so - until I got a letter of advertisement from him.

Oh, don't be silly. There's no orange pip in it. He has not gone that far. The letter was about his stand on the law against discrimination. All he cared was to make sure private practitioners do not need a translator for each and every patient who speaks an exotic dialect.

My god, the law does not prevent discrimination. If it does anything, it provokes argument and aggravates the discrimination against the good majority of ordinary people. Any educated vertebrate should notice the problem and voice against it - unless he has bitemporal hemianopia and could only see a small part of the picture.

As I told Vivian some weeks ago, I am about to vote for anyone who (have the courage to) stand up and say, "The law is stupid. I am all against it."

PS. Haven't you heard of The Five Orange Pips ? Go and read Sherlock Holmes !


Author's declaration: The reference is purely based on the similarity in their names - or acronyms, but not the society that the man belongs to !

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