Tuesday, August 19, 2008


In addition to mutual trust fund and academics, we make the same mistake in choosing political leader.

"He has led us through the difficult days and kicked away the tyrant - who else could be a better president ?" And we have Vladimir Lenin for Russia, Lech Wałęsa for Poland, Nelson Mandela for South Africa, and Sun Yat-Sen for our own self.

Oh, many of them are highly respected people; they fought wholeheartedly for the freedom and benefit of their own people - but they were simply not the best one to rule the country when there was peace. It just demonstrates their inadequacies and leaves them bad names.

That's why I have all my respect to English people. When the empire was under the thread of the Nazi Germany, they put up Winston Churchill as the prime minister, but soon after Adolf Hitler shot himself, the Anglo Saxon did not have to think twice but said to the depressed politician:


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