Tuesday, August 12, 2008


The Olympic motto is Citius, Altius, Fortius, which - as we all know - means "Faster, Higher, Stronger" in English.

As a rule, I am always skeptical with Castles (of Franz Kafka) such as the International Olympic Committee, which we could only meet the messenger - or merely subordinates of the messenger - but never the Count himself.

To any onlooker, the IOC should be an organization that aims to promote sports and fair game. It is therefore surprising to learn that this ambitious establishment has officially sixteen roles and objectives, from promoting sports to prevention of doping. (If someone tells you in a job interview that he has 16 objectives in his life, you can be sure that he could achieve none of them.)

One of the objectives is: to ensure the regular celebration of the Olympic Games.

"The aim of this organization is to exist." I have a déjà vu feeling of reading Jean-Paul Sartre. Does this event actually promote health and sports to people at large ?

And the Games is no doubt one of the major reasons for doping in sports.

As Laozi (老子) said: 聖人不死, 大盜不止.

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