Tuesday, September 23, 2008


My friend Sam used to run a small restaurant and prepare his own lunch there.

Some years ago, he found a fast-food store Zhina next to his house - and the food was so cheap that he decided (was forced ?) to close down his own business and eat outside.

But, without an income, where came the money ? That's simple: he started borrowing money (disguised as mortgage from his house, but it didn't really cover the amount he borrowed) - and, over the years, spent every penny for his lunch.

Mr. Hu, the owner of Zhina, pocketed the money. Of course it is not a good idea to put it under his pillow; he decided to go for some investment - and began lending money to Sam.

For obvious reason a relation of this kind would not last forever. Sam bankrupted, and Mr. Hu had to write off the money he gave to the man in poverty.

Therefore, at the end of the day, Zhina was providing free lunch for Sam to enjoy all through the years !

1 comment:

JW said...

It's not entirely correct. Hu's family is getting wealther and his sons and daughters have become the patrons of his giant business too. Interestingly, his poor neighbours have also managed to earn a penny to buy 特價餐 from his restaurant too. Not to mention there are constant patronage from his elegant neighbors on the far west of the street.
After all, I am sure your friend Sam won't starve, he can still earn a penny by 收陀地 from Hu's restaurant and his neighbors! Don't you know this is a cost of running business in Mongkok?