Wednesday, September 3, 2008


It comes as great news that Professor X, the prominent scientist of our country, is awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry this year.

Although he is not the first Chinese who wins this prize, he is certainly remarkable - he was born and educated in the mainland; all his work was done under the Republic College of Science, of which he is a fellow.

The government of the Special Administration Region is no less joyful. To allow the citizens of the SAR to share the happiness of the whole country, the People's Government has asked Professor X to visit Hong Kong - right after he's back from Stockholm with his medal.

You may wonder what the great chemist is going to do here. A scientific lecture ? Oh, that's beyond the comprehension of the general public. Our government has reserved the Hong Kong Stadium to welcome our distinguished professor.

And, the Nobel Laureate will be singing a few songs as well as showing the ex-colonial people his talent in chemistry.

How ? By vanishing the China Bank Tower, walking across the Victoria Harbour, and many more conjurations !

How thoughtful is our government.

You may think Professor X would not be all happy. On that, you are wrong. He finds it quite a relief - once he knows that his colleague who get the Nobel Prize in Economics is asked to demonstrate how to compare prices between local supermarkets, and the Prize in Peace winner to show how to settle an argument between certain Mrs. Yip Lau and the Long Hair !


Oh, I just doze off in the middle of the performance of those Olympic medal winners. My apology.

1 comment:

TW said...

Hahaha, remember the Chinese Astronaut Yeung Lei Wai,who was asked to sing a few pop songs too when he visited HK? So you should not be surprise that this is the level of HK audiences.
Thanks god they didn't ask Stephen hawkings and Bill Gates to sing too .....