Thursday, September 25, 2008


The typhoon signal number 8 was removed at a convenient time. The morning seemed a usual one.

At around 8:30 a.m., AZ, the secretary of JS, rang me up, "Do our medical students have to turn up for clinical teaching today ? A year-3 student rang up our office and asked."

(Dead air for 5 seconds from my side - I was trying to find a polite response without colourful vocabulary.)

"According to the notice of the Education Department this morning, they do not have to." I uttered slowly.

"But how about clinical medical students ?" AZ was unmoved - obviously being asked the same question by that student.

I repeated the same official response.

"Eh ... are you worried of anything ?" AZ noted my bradykinesia.

(Another dead air for 5 seconds.)

"No ... nothing worries me except the human quality of our students." I admitted.

PS. I believe it is an isolated incident of a few exceptional youngsters - there are many students around today.

1 comment:

K said...

...are you sure it's not thinking too much? Maybe they just thought the teacher might not turn up (without straining their thinking too much)...rather than not wanting to go to class?