Saturday, September 13, 2008


KM told me that our man from Pluto appointed a graduate of theology to coordinate a course of medical ethics for our student - the first draft consists of 50 ambitious sessions.

My jaw got dislocated - well, it fell onto the floor when I learnt that these sessions included topics like "What is Hope ?" (I certainly do not have any.)

It is unfortunately a romantic idea of many that theologists are ideal people to teach ethics. That is, no doubt, a confusion between the quality of a person and the knowledge of him. Someone with a quality close to god would be an excellent role model for our students to lead a living with a high standard of ethics. It would be quite a different story to ask a man who professes at studying (the theory of) god to teach ethical dilemma in medical practice.

I know it was not all the fault of our man from Pluto; he was very much pushed by extra-terrestrials outside the solar system (disguised in the name Council). Nonetheless, in a realistic world, it would be more beneficial to ask professors from the School of Law to teach this very topic.

PS. It seems that the program was revised - we shall see.

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