Monday, September 22, 2008


I was always incredulous why FC agreed with the implementation of the structural reform.

Yes, there's much pressure from those extra-terrestrials. Nonetheless, we know very well the man from Chaozhou (潮州) would not easily compromise.

But I was completely mistaken - and forgot all the teachings of Humphrey Appleby:

"You should never say no to the Prime Minister. If there's any policy you foresee difficulties, find some appropriate people to sort out the details."

"Who are appropriate ?" Maybe you would like to ask, just like Bernard Woolley.

"People who are careful, opened minded, and democratic. They would provide forum to listen to the voice of every staff - so that each would have an opportunity to express their view and everyone could sit down and discuss together. They would explore in every angle all possible and impossible problems, with solutions all planned in advance. The position of every atom in the universe would be in a predictable position at all time."

"But ... how long does it take to do all these ?" the Principal Private Secretary remained at a lost.

"Not long," the Secretary of Cabinet was certainly a cut higher, "only until the attention of our prime minister is diverted to things like cutting off the breast from a wrong woman !"

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