Friday, September 5, 2008


Dined with Jenny, my sister, on Saturday. We were again discussing who to vote on the coming Sunday.

"Are you going to vote for the lawyer's party ?" She asked. (Jenny, Louis - her husband, and I worked in three different sectors; all we could discuss was the Geographical Constituency and some general principles.)

Vivian gave me the same question some days ago. My answer has been rehearsed for so many times that it has become the official one: I do not have strong objection against nominal communists, but I shall never vote for real ones !

Alas, I have very little doubt that the objective of those barristers is a noble one. Nonetheless they are probably direct descendants of Karl Marx or Sun Yat-Sen without any evolution. Their ideals, if materialized, would be nothing but a road to serfdom - leading us to the Utopia of absolute zero.

PS. It doesn't necessarily mean that I shall support those nominal communists. A few of them are really things other than cream but rise to the top.

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