Sunday, January 18, 2009


Another 16 items related to medicine:
  1. I planned to be a journalist if I could not get into a medical school.
  2. During my final year of medical school, I deliberately modify my biological clock: I slept from 7 PM to 1 AM and work for the rest of the time.
  3. I did not finish studying Harrison before I sat for final MB - I skipped the whole section of infectious disease.
  4. The only medical book that I read cover-to-cover in clinical years (and till now) is Lecture Notes on Clinical Medicine by Rubenstein and Wayne.
  5. When I do not know the answer of an MCQ, I always guess.
  6. The only procedure that I wish I have learned but didn't is rigid sigmoidoscopy. When I was given that chance during internship, I chose to learn rigid cystoscopy.
  7. I did not have to say anything when I interviewed for a medical officer job; I was the only applicant (and there were two posts).
  8. I planned to do pathology if I could not get a job in medicine.
  9. The first patient who died under my hands (when I was a trainee) had indomethacin-induced GI bleeding; I avoided this medicine for nearly 10 years afterwards.
  10. I wrote my first paper (a case report) nearly a year after I passed my MRCP. In fact I took three weeks of annual leave and wrote three all at once.
  11. I had my elective training in Bristol, UK - that's the first time I took a plane.
  12. If not because of the mortgage of my house, I would have stayed in Bristol to finish my PhD.
  13. I study medicine every morning for 30 minutes before work.
  14. I wished to be a cardiologist when I was a medical student.
  15. I wished to be a hematologist when I was a junior trainee.
  16. I ended up in nephrology because there was a post !

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