Thursday, January 8, 2009


It is an eye-opening experience to hear some Mr. Tsang use the analogy of chess as the aim of our society: to keep the queens and bishops (士象全).

For those who are not familiar with the rule of Chinese chess, the queens (士) and bishops (象) represent a class that goes around the king and protect (and lick the ass of ?) His Highness. Donkey jobs are left to the rooks (車) and knights ().

How about pawns (卒) ? They are supposed to go ahead with no return - alas, they are meant to be sacrificed.

You find it quite an analogy of the senior government officials ?

I see it a Freudian slip of tongue.

PS. Experienced players of the Chinese chess would know well that keeping the queens and bishops is the worst of all strategies - for sure you would lose the game. There is only one way not to lose a game of chess: to win by keeping the rooks and knights (the working hands !) to attack your opponent.

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