Thursday, January 1, 2009


For those who visit this blog regularly, you may well notice there is often a delay between the time something happens and my comments appear.

The reason is simple: I follow the practice of most columnists and write my blog a few days in advance - so that a new post could appear everyday on time (I hope). I learn this trick when I was in secondary school and wrote (briefly) for newspaper columns. Many professional writers do this to avoid the embarrassment of leaving their column blank when they fall sick or some other accident happens.

(In reality the editor would solicit a backup author to fill up that column. I knew how chaotic it is when I became a journal editor some years ago.)

Well, you may consider it not a good idea to publish when an argument has cooled down. On the other hand, it gives me time to reflect and avoid making emotional remarks. When the environment is hot and one is excited, all the blood goes to the skin and muscle - it's no good for neuron to function.

PS. Of course that may equally well be an excuse of someone with a slow CPU, but I shall not try to pretend having a fast one and give a haphazard answer.

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