Monday, January 26, 2009


The spring is coming; we hope it would soon be getting warm.

But no. It is actually the coldest time of a year: the earth heat from last summer has dissipated, the sun shine is not long enough to warm up the earth, and the melting snow takes up much of the thermal energy.

As the old Chinese sayings: 下雪不冷雪冷.

For the same reasons, the most difficult time of the tsunami is not during the collapse of many financial tyrants, but the lingering torture when the surviving companies (and countries) try to write off the loss and clear up the bill.

Nonetheless, the warm weather would always come. Let's have some faith.

Happy lunar new year.

PS. It is entertaining to read many of the so-called Chinese astrologists to predict the future by the date of Li-Chun (立春) - they don't even know there is something called the timing of Li-Chun.

For this year of Ox, the time is 11 AM, 4 February. The proper translation to Chinese astrological character would be 丑,,庚辰,壬午. Alas, don't be too exited. There isn't even a superstitious theory on the use of this timing to predict the future of a country.

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