Saturday, June 6, 2009


While I was digesting the new theory on how the universe is going around myself, a friend showed me a email that he recently indirectly received.

In short, a group of youngsters are going to Sichuan for some voluntary project on health promotion, and, a week before they set off, they wrote to the Dean and tried to borrow some of the equipments that (they believed) they needed.

Here is the list, quoted verbatim:
  1. 磅 x 2
  2. 血壓機 x 5
  3. 軟尺 x 3
  4. 脂肪機 x 3
  5. 後備電芯 (血壓機用)
  6. UV燈 (洗手過程用)
  7. 螢火粉 (洗手過程用)
I have no idea whether they did get what they want - I'm just too impressed with the list.

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