Friday, June 5, 2009


I must admit I did not quite recognize the name of that missing pediatrician - until I came across his photo a few days after the body was discovered.

He was the husband of my classmate Y.

And Y is no ordinary acquaintance of mine: We did dissection together dring our first year of the medical school. (I still remember my perusal over the old hand-drawn Grant's Alas while she kept challenging me to identify a correct nerve or blood vessel with the new photographic version by Rohen and Yokochi.) We were again in the same group during the third year, sharing much difficult but happy moment in teaching rooms converted from containers.

When and where did we last meet ? It was at the bus terminal next to our hospital, probably two or three years ago. We were both busy and could not afford a longer chat.

Sigh ...

王粲 《七哀詩》

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