Thursday, June 25, 2009


Before started reading Rakuen, I just finished with How to Teach Your Baby to Read by Glenn and Janet Doman.

(I borrowed this book from my sister Jenny, whose daughter is two months younger than Euterpe.)

To me, the ability to read is an urgent thing we have to teach our children - it is probably the most important component of an education. If children could (and love to) read, they could learn the rest of the human knowledge by themselves.

You know what, every time when I am alone in another country (especially in an airport) and, say, looking for my way, I wholeheartedly feel warm and fortunate for having the chance of receiving education - and am able to read the signpost. Yes, someone was here some time ago, knew the way, and left a written instruction. There is no need for me to meet him and ask - he may actually be a pile of bones or ash now. But, all the same. He showed me the way and I could follow.

Thank goodness.

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