Sunday, February 14, 2010


In an evening shortly before the CNY, Vivian and I passed the McDonald's next to our home. My wife remarked, "It's phenomenal to see so few people inside. Everyone seems going home for dinner.

"Even if they are alone and have no place to go, not very many people would like to eat in a McDonald's during this time of a year," I remarked, "Alas, it is a real difficulty to find a decent place to dine - or lunch - alone. We should have a local guide of, say, 100 best places for solo dining."

Vivian chuckled, and was forced to agree, "To say the least, all traditional Chinese restaurants are not suitable."

"Quite right. And the next book people need would be recipes of 100 dishes for eating alone. You know, it is actually a trying task to cook for youreself - if there's nobody else to share the food with you. I had enough experience after living in Bristol for a year."

Vivian nodded. The only thing I didn't tell her right the way was I am too happy for not having that need any more.

Happy Valentine's Day.

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